What could be better than a small express crumble for this beautiful fall day? With a little yogurt or vanilla ice cream, it's guaranteed sweetness and super comforting.
Ingredients (2 portions)
50g flour
15g coconut oil
15g maple syrup, happy maple goût riche
5-6 plums
Wash and cut the plums in quarters, put them in a pan and sprinkle them with cinnamon and maple syrup, happy maple rich taste (as much as you like 😜). Add a little water and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, mix the flour, coconut oil and maple syrup with your fingertips to form a kind of sand.
Place the plums in a mold (remove water if there is any) and sprinkle the crumble on top.
Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. The crumble should be golden.
Of course, I recommend leaving it to cool a bit and eating it straight away so that it does not lose its crispness. 😉
This recipe has been prepared by Sophie, Co-Founder at Happy Maple with goût Riche. Let us know, if you like this recipe and tag it #happymapleswitzerland on Instagram so we can see. We also love seeing your comments and ratings. It’s the ultimate internet ego boost !